Keyboard/Software for Composers!

Created on 19 Oct 2021

Ever jammed out and liked a chord but struggled when you tried to write it down to play later? This is for you!

As a composer, it can be tedious to jam out until you hit a melody or harmony you like, take a video with one hand and try to remember what you just did with the other, go back through the video note by note and add it to a software while changing the key, length, and other aspects for every single note. So, we propose a keyboard or software that automatically takes makes what you play into a music score so can easily edit it however you like after!


Joshna Iyengar


Karen Li


Andrew Chong


Alyssa Robert


Sarah Gaiter

Part Cost Quantity Total
force sensitive resistor $6.30 12 $75.60
force sensitive resistor
10k resistors $5.99 1 $5.99
10k resistors that resist
i2c port expander $2.95 1 $2.95
we can use this for extra outputs too
arduino mega $34.25 1 $34.25
does all the stuff we code it to do
wires $11.99 1 $11.99
wires for wiring things together
4051 multiplexers $6.11 2 $12.22
ill have to get back to you on that
plywood $59.99 1 $59.99
gonna be the base of our keyboard
lilac filament $25.99 1 $25.99
for 3d printing lilac stuff
clear filament $21.99 1 $21.99
for 3d printing clear stuff
purple spray paint $14.71 1 $14.71
for spray painting the plywood
LED pixel lights $17.99 1 $17.99
for lighting up stuff to make it pretty
Project Totals: 23 $283.67
Track 1 Base Budget: $250.00
Preferred Vendor Budget Bonus: $0.00
Remaining Budget: $-33.67