Bill Nace

Alumni in Electrical and Computer Engineering

1948: Chief Assistant to Nikola Tesla 1958: Bar buddy of Jack Kilby -- I'm the guy who gave him his ideas 1977: Designed video system for Steve Woz


The Thrill of Board Games Combined with Robotic Precision

@jbgoldst, @ctabrizi, @hfbaker, @wnace

Mat-less DDR

"She's got accelerometers on the soles of her shoes" -- Paul Simon

@wnace, @ppezeshk, @ptelang, @pavhad, @scjoglek

Rangoli Machine

Those colored sand pictures are nice, but don't they take forever to make?

@wnace, @rsurana, @yongyiz, @isinha

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

A physical instantiation of the computer game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

@wnace, @msjohnso, @jasonx, @sprasad1, @jluo3

Liberty Circuits

Freeform circuits look really neat. We intend to use this project to explore some interesting designs!

@wnace, @jnee, @odwang, @theresec

Socially-distanced Pong

Pong without a CPU, built on 2 FPGAs, driving 2 monitors, communicating in ridiculous ways.

@wnace, @anirudhp, @bohanyu, @allin


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